File Uploading with the CFFILE Tag Using the CFFILE Extension (continued)

 by Tom Muck

Step 6: Click OK and apply the behavior to the page. That is all there is to it!

A complete list of CFFILE built-in variables are accessible from the Data Bindings palette after applying the CFFILE Server Behavior to the page.

These built-in CFFILE variables can be dragged to the page or inserted with the Insert button. Also, you can use them inside of other Server Behaviors as Data Sources. A complete list of what each variable means is listed here:

Parameter Description

Initial name ColdFusion used attempting to save a file, for example, myfile.txt.


Directory location of the file uploaded from the client's system.


Name of the file uploaded from the client's system.


Extension of the uploaded file on the client's system without a period, for example, txt not .txt.


Filename without an extension of the uploaded file on the client's system.

ContentSubType MIME content subtype of the saved file.
ContentType MIME content type of the saved file.
DateLastAccessed Date and time the uploaded file was last accessed.

Indicates (Yes or No) whether or not the file already existed with the same path.


Size of the uploaded file.


Indicates (Yes or No) whether or not ColdFusion appended the uploaded file to an existing file.


Indicates (Yes or No) whether or not ColdFusion overwrote a file.


Indicates (Yes or No) whether or not the uploaded file was renamed to avoid a name conflict.


Indicates (Yes or No) whether or not Cold Fusion saved a file.


Size of a file that was overwritten in the file upload operation.


Directory of the file actually saved on the server.


Filename of the file actually saved on the server.


Extension of the uploaded file on the server, without a period, for example, txt not .txt.


Filename, without an extension, of the uploaded file on the server.


Time the uploaded file was created.


Date and time of the last modification to the uploaded file.

Step 7: You should probably build some error checking into the page as well, which can be easily accomplished with a <cftry> block like this (hand-written code in bold):


<CFFILE action="upload"

The file was successfully saved!
There was an error! Please go back and try again!

Tom Muck

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