New Controls:

The new controls are as follows:

The controls generally consist of two files: an HTML file that is placed in the /shared/controls/string menu folder. This is where all of the Server Behavior controls are located. If you create your own, you should place them here as well. The JS file that accompanies the control contains all of the code that is needed by the control to operate. This is placed in the /shared/controls/scripts folder.

When you use one of these controls in one of your Server Behaviors, you will have to include the JS file in your extension package. Be sure to include the 'shared="true" ' line as well, or you may cause someone else's extension to break.

<file source="ColorField.js" destination="$ultradev/configuration/shared/controls/scripts" shared="true"/>

Another way to include it is to put the code in your own Server Behavior file or in your own shared file. In any event, if you do this be sure to change the reference to the shared file in the HTML file of the Server Behavior that you are building.

I've found the controls to be great time savers, but you should use these at your own risk. Feel free to email with any comments or bugs found.

Tom Muck