Tom Muck

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My books at Amazon and other places:

Dreamweaver MX 2004: The Complete Reference, Osborne, 2003

The latest reference manual for Dreamweaver, which includes many new chapters on Contribute integration, Homesite integration, designing with tables vs. layers, and expanded chapters on dynamic site development. The book is one of the only Dreamweaver books to cover all server models with depth and a complete dynamic site example.

Flash Remoting: The Definitive Guide, O'Reilly, 2003

One of the hottest topics these days is Rich Internet Applications. Flash Remoting is the best technology for creating web applications that interact with a server. The book covers ColdFusion, ASP.NET, J2EE, and PHP applications using Flash Remoting technology using Flash MX, Flash Remoting, and ActionScript 1.0. Visit for examples and more information.

Dreamweaver MX 2004: A Beginner's Guide, Osborne, 2004

Strictly for beginners, the third edition of the book features creation of a simple dynamic site in ASP/VBScript.

Building Dreamweaver 4 and Dreamweaver UltraDev 4 Extensions, Osborne, 2001

The first book on building extensions, and is still relevant today. The Dreamweaver extensibility API is covered, along with walk-through examples that create Commands, Behaviors, Objects, Server Behaviors, and Inspectors, among other extension types.

Dreamweaver MX: The Complete Reference, Osborne, 2002

Second edition of the best-selling UltraDev reference, incorporating new server models introduced in Dreamweaver MX.

Dreamweaver UltraDev 4: The Complete Reference, Osborne, 2001

Our first book, which contains material that was not reprinted in the subsequent editions, including a complete e-store example in ASP/VBScript, ASP/JScript, ColdFusion, and JSP, and much coverage of Dreamweaver extensions, including translator coverage. Can be had on Amazon for $4.

Dreamweaver UltraDev 4: A Beginner's Guide, Osborne, 2001

Beginning web development with Macromedia's UltraDev program. Covers simple dynamic site creation.

Dreamweaver MX: A Beginner's Guide, Osborne, 2002

Strictly for beginners, the second edition of the book features creation of a simple dynamic site .

UltraDev and SQL Server: Next Steps, Basic-Ultradev, 2001

Self-published book that describes working with SQL Server for UltraDev/Dreamweaver users. The text covers many topics, such as stored procedures, triggers, SQL Mail, and connecting with UltraDev.

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