Tom Muck

Alpha Dog Blues Band
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Welcome Tom Muck's Blog

Welcome to the site. Tom Muck is an author/software engineer based in Northern Virginia. Click the books link for more information on the titles available.

Bio: "I got into computers back in the days of the Radio Shack Model 1 and Commodore 64 computers, in the early 1980s. I was initially drawn into programming because I wanted a database to catalog movies that I had seen. The movie database was never completed, but at that time I learned Basic and Assembly language and wrote my own visual Assembler to aid in the writing of my programs, because I did not like any of the assembler/editors that existed at the time. I spent many long hours learning the ins and outs of Assembly language and binary mathematics. . .before I gave it all up to earn a living in a completely unrelated field. 15 years later I decided to get back into computers and took some night courses to learn how to use Windows and program in Visual Basic, SQL, and Java. That was in 1998. I got into web work through the back door and began using a program called Drumbeat 2000 from Macromedia. I converted the program to work with ColdFusion, but MM had other plans -- they canned the program and created UltraDev, which worked with ColdFusion natively. Never satisfied with the status quo, I set out to learn Dreamweaver and UltraDev extensibility to be able to extend the programs to do more, which I've been doing ever since."

The articles section has links to past and present articles written by Tom Muck.

The extensions section has a list of Dreamweaver extensions that are available, either for free or for a small fee.

Tom is a former author with Community MX and former member of the Adobe Community Professionals (aka Evangelist, aka Team Macromedia, aka Adobe Community Experts) since 2000.

The site was constructed using a standard Dreamweaver design template, Halo Left Nav. The site was built on a ColdFusion custom tag that acts as a site template using techniques from an article series written for Community MX at The functionality is provided by ColdFusion 9 on Windows 2016 Server, with a SQL Server 2017 database, upgraded recently from 2005.

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