Tom Muck

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142 articles

October 26, 2007Conditional Inserts Using SQL

It's easy to do a conditional insert using the server language of your choice, but to do it with SQL code exclusively is not as easy. There are some language additions and non-standard SQL code in most of the popular database servers, but a conditional insert can be done using straight SQL making it platform independent. This is useful in writing SQL scripts to perform database updates. Running a script without a conditional insert can create problems if the script is run twice, for example. This article will show the technique I use in doing a conditional insert using MS Access, MS SQL Server, and MySQL.

October 22, 2007Speed up Your Site with SQL Server Profiler/Index Tuning Wizard

SQL Server 2000 comes with several tools that can be used to fine-tune your database. In some cases, if your database has not been optimized with indexes, the improvements can be dramatic. This article will focus on one aspect of the SQL Server Profiler?using it to profile a typical web site session to allow the Index Tuning Wizard to make suggestions based on an actual use case scenario. This article will apply to any web site that uses SQL Server 2000?ASP, ColdFusion, or other. Don't depend on the tools provided by SQL Server?they are no substitute for knowing how data is accessed and knowing how to properly index your data. However, after you have created what you feel are optimal indexes, it can't hurt to test your application in a real world scenario to see if any further optimization is needed. For an introduction to indexes, see my article Indexing a Database Table. This article will attempt to expand your toolset to include two built-in SQL Server tools.

October 9, 2007Tracking Most Recently Read Content

Community MX has a feature that shows the most recent items you viewed. This is quite easy to do, but requires a few things to be in place. This article will show how we do this. The article will use ColdFusion, but the technique can be applied across the board to any server language, like PHP or ASP.NET. We'll assume for this article that you have a user login system and content management system already in place. We'll focus on the functionality to store the content id of the user reading the content.

October 5, 2007Using Text Masks in ColdFusion

Text masks can be used in web applications as placeholders for dynamic content. A mask is essentially a string of characters that can be later replaced, and not likely to be confused. Usually, you will use consecutive characters around a variable string, or simply consecutive characters. This article will show a few techniques using masks in ColdFusion.

September 24, 2007A Simple Error Handling Function for PHP

Error handling is an important aspect of site development, but using PHP there aren't too many clearly defined ways to handle errors. I will present a simple function that handles errors in several ways: records the error in a log, emails the site administrator a copy of the error, and redirects the user to a central error page. Using one or more of these three methods, you can handle errors more gracefully in your PHP pages.

September 19, 2007Creating a Master/Detail Pageset using AJAX

Dreamweaver's Master/Detail page set is a handy set of behaviors to use for a drill-down functionality -- display a list of records, and click on a link in the list to view the full record. Using the behaviors, however, you typically create two pages. If you create one page with both, the page will refresh each time you click on a link. In this tutorial, I'll show how to create one master/detail page that uses some very simple JavaScript to load the details section of the page dynamically using AJAX. This tutorial will apply to PHP, ColdFusion, and ASP, with the concepts applicable to the other available server models that Dreamweaver now supports.

September 17, 2007Creating a Table-less Horizontal Looper in ASP

Dreamweaver has a Repeat Region server behavior that loops through your data and allows you to display it in a vertical or horizontal manner. If you want to display the data in a grid pattern, however, it requires a little more effort. Typically, a Horizontal Looper extension or code is used to create a table and put your individual data sections in a table cell. In this tutorial I'll show how to do that using
tags and CSS without tables. This is a version of an article I did for PHP -- but for ASP instead. For this tutorial I'll assume you know how to use your database tools to create and manage databases, and how to create connections for ASP.

September 7, 2007Creating a Simple Database Web Search - Part 2: ColdFusion

In the first part of this series, I showed how to create a Master/Detail page set using built in Dreamweaver tools, and then add a basic search form querying against one field in the database. What if you want more than that though? The Dreamweaver recordset dialog box allows one filter against one field. This is sometimes useful, but usually not. Typically you might also want to allow other HTML fields into the search. You will want to search allowing multiple search words. Finally, you might want to search multiple database fields. I will address all three situations in this article, which will be targeted to ColdFusion users only.

August 13, 2007Creating a Simple Database Web Search - Part 2: PHP

In the first part of this series, I showed how to create a Master/Detail page set using built-in Dreamweaver tools, and then add a basic search form querying against one field in the database. What if you want more than that though? The Dreamweaver recordset dialog box allows one filter against one field. This is sometimes useful, but usually not. Typically you might also want to allow other HTML fields into the search. You will want to search allowing multiple search words. Finally, you might want to search multiple database fields.. I will address all three situations in this article, which will be targeted to PHP users only.

July 26, 2007Create a Simple Database Web Search - Part 1

Putting together a simple database search is a piece of cake using built-in Dreamweaver tools -- no coding required. We'll show a simple Master/Detail Page Set behavior and how to add a simple search form to it. This tutorial will work with any Dreamweaver server model. Part 2 will focus on PHP and show a more advanced search.

July 11, 2007The SQL CASE Statement

If you are using SQL, you are no doubt familiar with SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE, as well as a few functions that are useful. I've found that not many people are making active use of the CASE statement, although it is one of the most useful SQL keywords in existence. Typically a web application developer will use this type of conditional logic in his page code (using PHP, ColdFusion, or another language) making the business logic part of the presentation of the page. It is more efficient and better programming practice to put this logic in the database using a stored procedure or in the SQL statement so that the presentation of the data can be as clean and unencumbered by business logic as possible. This article will show a few simple uses of the statement and how you can use it to simply web applications. These examples should work in SQL Server or MySQL. I will be using the Northwind database that comes free with SQL Server. Anyone using mySQL can download a Northwind creation script at my site.

July 2, 2007Playing Nice with Dreamweaver -- Making Code and Design View More Useful

Dreamweaver, as a visual tool and a coding tool, has achieved status as the premier development tool for the web?not only for static HTML pages, but for dynamic pages in ASP, JSP, ColdFusion, PHP, and ASP.NET. One of the reasons is the combination of design view with code view, and the fairly accurate representation in design view of your page. It's not a WYSIWYG program, but design view does present a very close approximation of WYSIWYG. The time when DW does not accurately represent a page is usually when there is some server-side code involved. This article will show a few ways to make your server code "play nice" with Dreamweaver, while not sacrificing quality of coding. I will show examples in various server languages, but the examples are only meant to illustrate the concepts. This article should apply equally to all server models.

June 19, 2007Creating a Table-less Horizontal Looper in ColdFusion

Description: Dreamweaver has a Repeat Region server behavior that loops through your data and allows you to display it in a vertical or horizontal manner. If you want to display the data in a grid pattern, however, it requires a little more effort. Typically, a Horizontal Looper extension or code is used to create a table and put your individual data sections in a table cell. In this tutorial I'll show how to do that using <div> tags and CSS without tables. This is a version of an article I did for PHP?but for ColdFusion instead. For this tutorial I'll assume you know how to use your database tools to create and manage databases, and how to create connections for ColdFusion.

June 5, 2007Create a Table-less Horizontal Looper in PHP

Dreamweaver has a Repeat Region server behavior that loops through your data and allows you to display it in a vertical or horizontal manner. If you want to display the data in a grid pattern, however, it requires a little more effort. Typically, a Horizontal Looper extension or code is used to create a table and put your individual data sections in a table cell. In this tutorial, I'll show how to do that using
tags and CSS without tables. For this tutorial I'll assume you know how to use MySQL tools to create and manage databases, and how to create connections for PHP in Dreamweaver.

May 22, 2007Feed Tools in Dreamweaver 8 and CS3: RSS and XSL

Adding an RSS feed to a web page is a piece of cake with the XSL features of Dreamweaver 8 and CS3. This article will show the new features of XSL transformation using the freely available Community MX RSS feed, or any other of your choice. The tutorial will require PHP, ColdFusion, or another of the available server models in Dreamweaver, as the XSL functionality uses a server-side file to parse and transform the XML news feed.

May 8, 2007Cleaning Email Addresses in SQL Server

So you have an email list that has everything from valid, well-formed email addresses to useless gibberish that someone thought would get them through the form without hassle. Obviously, the best way to maintain an email list is to catch the badly formed email addresses before they occur -- through JavaScript or server-side validation. That does not always catch the culprits though. Most of these scripts use regular expressions, which catch the badly formed addresses but do nothing with bad addresses. Also, you may have inherited a list or maintained a list that did not validate addresses. This article will show a couple of SQL Server user-defined functions that you can use to manually go through your list and find/fix/delete the bad addresses.

April 24, 2007Cheating with AJAX

AJAX is a wonderful technology for making the user experience more gratifying. The usual use of AJAX is to pull some small piece of dynamic information from the server and populate a portion of your page with that information, rather than reload the entire page. Usually, the data you retrieve from the server is a small piece of text that you would insert into a form field or into an area of the page that requires a change. I'm going to show a technique that speeds up a page load, but uses AJAX in a kind of "cheating" way?loading in entire HTML sections and simply writing them to the page. For the JavaScript/XHTML purist, this might be a cludge, but for the web developer who wants a simple way to speed up a page load in certain situations, it might be just the right technique.

April 10, 2007Saving Page Designs in Dreamweaver for Future Use

I'm not a designer, so any time I find myself with a design template that I would like to use in the future I like to keep track of it and use it from Dreamweaver's File > New dialog box. Community MX JumpStarts make use of this functionality by use of an extension that puts all the files in the correct location. I will show you how to save your own pages in this special location so that your own designs can show up in File > New.

March 27, 2007Using the Bell Character?Parsing Lists in ColdFusion

What is the bell character, you might ask? In the old days of computing, before there was surround sound, you could "print" a character to the screen that made a "beep" sound. If you put a bell character (ASCII 7) in a string, it would beep to the screen. These days, the bell character is not used for much...if anything. As a ColdFusion programmer, you can make use of this not-often-used character for different situations. Some lists seem like they are unparseable using regular ColdFusion functions, and some strings might not even seem like lists. This article will show a couple ways to parse otherwise difficult lists.

March 22, 2007Proper Care and Feeding of the Extension Manager

Due to the many problems with the most recent versions of the Extension Manager, I wrote this article to help users understand the process of installing extensions -- especially the numerous problems that occur when you have two versions of Dreamweaver on your system. Also in the article are solutions to a few common problems with the installation of extensions.

March 14, 2007Anti-Spam Measures for PHP and ColdFusion - Part 2

Spam, spam, spam, spam. Spammers have taken over the Internet and made it a horrible place to maintain a web site. Spammers have gone beyond simply spamming your email account -- now they are spamming blogs and guestbooks, spamming trackbacks, and spamming signup forms. Even a child's home page with a guestbook for friends is not safe from links for cialis, porn, or web hosting. Obviously these spammers are getting some return from their criminal activity, because they keep doing it. Unfortunately, you can't reach through the computer screen and grab them by the throat to strangle the life out of them. All you can do is put in place some safeguards and try to minimize the attack. Part 2 in this series shows how you can record the IP address of the spammer and block access to your site to that computer in the future. Once again, I'll assume you have familiarity with PHP or ColdFusion basics (databases, inserting and displaying data) and HTML forms.

The Anti-Spam Measures for PHP and ColdFusion Series:
Anti-Spam Measures for PHP and ColdFusion - Part 1
Anti-Spam Measures for PHP and ColdFusion - Part 2

March 1, 2007Anti-Spam Measures for PHP and ColdFusion - Part 1

Spam, spam, spam, spam. Spammers have taken over the Internet and made it a horrible place to maintain a web site. Spammers have gone beyond simply spamming your email account -- now they are spamming blogs and guestbooks, spamming trackbacks, and spamming signup forms. Even a child's home page with a guestbook for friends is not safe from links for cialis, porn, or web hosting. Obviously these spammers are getting some return from their criminal activity, because they keep doing it. Unfortunately, you can't reach through the computer screen and grab them by the throat to strangle the life out of them. All you can do is put in place some safeguards and try to minimize the attack.

The Anti-Spam Measures for PHP and ColdFusion Series:
Anti-Spam Measures for PHP and ColdFusion - Part 1
Anti-Spam Measures for PHP and ColdFusion - Part 2

February 12, 2007Top Ten Tips for Creating a Database for the Web

Many web developers also design their own databases. I don't know how many times I've heard something like "I'm a designer...I don't know how to add a user" or "I'm only the web site administrator...I don't know how to write SQL." There are a few simple things that someone designing a database should know. I'll try to cover them for the developer/designer who also is in charge of handling the database implementation.

January 31, 2007Shut Off Your Site -- ColdFusion Maintenance

There is frequently a need for page maintenance or database maintenance, without turning off a server. If you are at a remote location, wouldn't it be nice to be able to shut down access to your pages without having to call someone or pull up a remote desktop? With a couple simple variables and the Application.cfc file (or Application.cfm), you can create the functionality to shut off access to your site and return a simple message to any user that happens across your site while the maintenance is underway.

January 17, 2007Implementing a Record Locking System in ColdFusion 7 - Part 2

Most databases have some sort of row-level locking of database records, however when building a web application you need more than that. Picture a scenario where a database will have multiple users and each user could potentially be working on the same record. This can happen in an e-commerce site, where different departments have access to a given order for fulfillment, or in an Intranet site where various employees have access to a given record.

In this article I will show you how to implement a record locking system that relies on the Application.cfc file that was introduced in CF 7. This second part builds upon the files set up in part 1 and creates the record locking system.

The Implementing a Record Locking System in ColdFusion 7 Series:
Implementing a Record Locking System in ColdFusion 7 - Part 1
Implementing a Record Locking System in ColdFusion 7 - Part 2

January 4, 2007Implementing a Record Locking System in ColdFusion 7

Most databases have some sort of row-level locking of database records, however when building a web application you need more than that. Picture a scenario where a database will have multiple users and each user could potentially be working on the same record. This can happen in an e-commerce site, where different departments have access to a given order for fulfillment, or in an Intranet site where various employees have access to a given record.

In this article I will show you how to implement a record locking system that relies on the Application.cfc file that was introduced in CF 7. Because of the extended setup to get to the locking portion, we'll run this tutorial in two parts. In this first part, we will set up the Application.cfc with a simple login system, and build the results, login, and update pages.

December 21, 2006Using a CF Custom Tag for Multiple Tabs

Tabs in a web page are an intuitive way for a user to navigate elements on a page. Using tabs, you can create pages of an article, multi-tab forms, multi-tab pages of links, or other types of pages where there is too much content to fit on one page. Using two ColdFusion custom tags -- one for the tab functionality and one for each individual tab -- you can create a simple way to add tabs to a ColdFusion page. The tab code shown in the article is simple, but can be used to expand on, or you can simply use the techniques shown with your own tab code.

December 6, 2006Multiple Insert/Update in PHP - Part 2

Dreamweaver has some built-in tools for doing database inserts and updates, but they only handle basic inserts/updates of one record. What if you want to insert multiple records at a time, or update multiple records? Dreamweaver is no help in this case, but using PHP the process is simple. The first part of this tutorial showed two often-used methods for doing multiple inserts. Part 2 will show how to do a multiple update using these two techniques.

The Multiple Insert/Update in PHP Series:
Multiple Insert/Update in PHP - Part 1
Multiple Insert/Update in PHP - Part 2

November 27, 2006Multiple Insert/Update in PHP - Part 1

Dreamweaver has some built-in tools for doing database inserts and updates, but they only handle basic inserts/updates of one record. What if you want to insert multiple records at a time, or update multiple records? Dreamweaver is no help in this case, but using PHP the process is simple.

This tutorial will show two often-used methods for doing multiple inserts and multiple update. The files testinsert.php and testinsert2.php are included in the download package showing the final code for both methods. Part 1 of this series will show how to do inserts and Part 2 will show how to do a multiple update using these two techniques.

The Multiple Insert/Update in PHP Series:
Multiple Insert/Update in PHP - Part 1
Multiple Insert/Update in PHP - Part 2

October 24, 2006A Simple Multi-language ColdFusion Content Management System - Part 2

There are various ways to create a data-driven multi-language site, but the method I will show in this article series uses an underused technique involving ColdFusion custom tags.

Basically, the technique shown will turn any simple, well-formed HTML or XHTML page into a content management system with only one tag required on the page. This first part of this series showed the principles behind the custom tag technique.

This part will implement the database tables and custom ColdFusion functionality to turn HTML tags into database-driven dynamic tags to implement the multi-language aspect.

The Multi-Language ColdFusion Content Management System Series:
A Simple Multi-language ColdFusion Content Management System - Part 1
A Simple Multi-language ColdFusion Content Management System - Part 2
A Simple Multi-Language ColdFusion Content Management System - Part 3

October 11, 2006A Simple Multi-language ColdFusion Content Management System - Part 1

There are various ways to create a data-driven multi-language site, but the method I will show in this article series uses an underused technique involving ColdFusion custom tags. Basically, the technique shown will turn any simple, well-formed HTML or XHTML page into a content management system with only one tag required on the page.

This first part will show the principles behind the custom tag technique. The next part will show how to implement the multi-language aspect. The third part will create an administrative interface to administer the system.

The Multi-Language ColdFusion Content Management System Series:
A Simple Multi-language ColdFusion Content Management System - Part 1
A Simple Multi-language ColdFusion Content Management System - Part 2
A Simple Multi-Language ColdFusion Content Management System - Part 3

September 27, 2006Computer Math 0101

One of the very first things that you should learn if you are dealing with programming of any variety is the concept of binary and hexadecimal number systems. The foundation of computers is based in binary—1s and 0s—and its cousin hexadecimal Everything from HTML/CSS color codes to URL encoding to IP addresses to memory/hard drive capacity and everything in between exposes the concept of binary and hexadecimal With a basic understanding, working with computers is a bit easier.

September 18, 2006Creating Daily Stats Pages

A stat page can be used for an e-store, blog, ad rotater, or any other type of application where you want to track a specific series of "things" that happen each day. For example, on a blog you might track blog hits. In an e-store, you might track daily sales. For an ad rotator you might track click-throughs.

This article will show how to write a query to group the daily activity in the first section, and how to display that as a graph using ColdFusion in the second section. The article will use SQL Server syntax, but could be adapted to any database. Also, the SQL code is applicable to any server model—not only ColdFusion. This is part 1 of 2.

August 29, 2006Using the <cfsavecontent> Tag

There are many ways to build a string in ColdFusion, but one often overlooked method involves using the <cfsavecontent> tag. This article will take a look at the standard ways that a ColdFusion developer might build a string, and compare it to using <cfsavecontent>.

August 14, 2006Top Ten Mistakes in ColdFusion

Many ColdFusion developers use common coding practices that are not optimal and don't follow "best practices". The following article shows 10 different mistakes and coding problems that you may find in your applications that can be easily corrected.

August 7, 2006Multiple Insert/Update in ColdFusion

Dreamweaver has some built-in tools for doing database inserts and updates, but they only handle basic inserts/updates of one record. What if you want to insert multiple records at a time, or update multiple records? Dreamweaver is no help in this case, but using ColdFusion the process is simple. This tutorial will show two often-used methods for doing a multiple insert and multiple update, and the reasons not to use the first method.

July 20, 2006Sending an Email Blast with ColdFusion: Part 3

ColdFusion makes it very easy to send emails to mulitple recipients from a database using very little code. Part 1 of this series went over some basics, and Part 2 showed a very basic newsletter delivery system, similar to the system we use at Community MX to send our weekly newsletters. Part 3 will show two different scenarios to include line items within the email body—generic line items and recipient-specific line items.

July 6, 2006Extract Links from a Web Page Using ColdFusion

ColdFusion provides a lot of functionality in the form of tags, but some of the more powerful features require a bit of programming knowledge, like the use of regular expressions, XML functions, and the recursive function construct.

This tutorial will show how to use a regular expression to find all given elements in a string, then use an XML function to extract HTML attributes, and use a recursive function (calling a function from within the function until finished) to streamline the coding. In this case, we'll be searching for all links within a page, but the technique could be used to find email addresses, HTML tags, phone numbers, or other formatted pieces of text.

June 21, 2006Creating a Registration Page: Part 3

Dreamweaver contains many built-in tools to aid in quickly building dynamic sites. Part 1 of this series showed the Record Insertion Form Wizard to set up a simple user registration form on a web site. The registration form allows a user to register for a site.

Part 2 showed validation and the user agreement, using more built-in tools of Dreamweaver and a little rudimentary JavaScript. The tutorial will apply equally to PHP, ASP, ColdFusion, and JSP using built in tools.

Part 3 will show how to pass registration details to Paypal or other payment processor for a paid membership-type of site.

The Creating a Registration Page Series:
Creating a Registration Page: Part 1
Creating a Registration Page: Part 2
Creating a Registration Page: Part 3

June 7, 2006Creating a Registration Page: Part 2

Dreamweaver contains many built-in tools to aid in quickly building dynamic sites. Part 1 of this series showed how to use the Record Insertion Form Wizard to set up a simple user registration form on a web site. The registration form allows a user to register for a site.

Part 2 will show validation and the user agreement, using more built-in tools of Dreamweaver and a little rudimentary JavaScript. The tutorial will apply equally to PHP, ASP, ColdFusion, and JSP using built in tools.

Part 3 will show how to pass registration details to PayPal or other payment processor for a paid membership-type of site.

The Creating a Registration Page Series:
Creating a Registration Page: Part 1
Creating a Registration Page: Part 2
Creating a Registration Page: Part 3

May 23, 2006Creating a Registration Page: Part 1

Dreamweaver contains many built-in tools to aid in quickly building dynamic sites. One such tool is the Record Insertion Form Wizard. Using this tool, I'll show how to set up a simple user registration form on a web site. The registration form will allow a user to register for a site (free site or membership site), and include a way for the user to agree to a user agreement and also opt-in/opt-out of a newsletter. The tutorial will apply equally to PHP, ASP, ColdFusion, and JSP using built in tools. This is the first part in a series.

Part 2 will show validation and the user agreement, and Part 3 will show how to pass registration details to Paypal or other payment processor for a paid membership-type of site.

The Creating a Registration Page Series:
Creating a Registration Page: Part 1
Creating a Registration Page: Part 2
Creating a Registration Page: Part 3

May 8, 2006Moving Data into an Existing Database

There are a lot of situations where you will need to move data from one database to another, or from one data format to another. For example, if you have a CSV file containing an address list, it will most likely not fit the format/style of your existing address table. Another situation is converting data from one e-store database to another—most e-commerce software has similar data formats but different fieldnames and possibly different data structures.

This article will show a few techniques for moving data accurately. The techniques should work with any good database administrative interface that has the capibility to import data and to write/execute SQL statements.

April 25, 2006Creating Dreamweaver Extension Packages

This article will show how to create an extension package for Dreamweaver. Dreamweaver extensions are basically HTML and JavaScript files stored in a user's local configuration folder. To move an extension to a different machine or share it with other users, you can create an extension package. Dreamweaver comes with a free Extension Manager, which also includes a built-in packager for extensions.

March 31, 2006Making Full Use of Bindings

The Dreamweaver bindings panel has a lot of uses beyond a place to build recordsets and stored procedures. Many people don't realize that when you add session, request, and application variables to the panel manually, you get some visual advantages — the ability to drag items to the page into design view, the ability to use variables as filters, and the ability to add formatting functions to design view.

This article will explore the bindings panel and its advantages. Because we are discussing core Dreamweaver functionality, the article will apply equally to all server models in Dreamweaver, although some server models have better bindings panel support than others.

March 15, 2006Using a ColdFusion Custom Tag as a Site Template: Part 4 - JumpStarts

I wrote a series of three articles on how you can use a ColdFusion custom tag to supply the design of every page in your site. Since that time, Community MX has released several JumpStarts — page designs using the latest HTML and CSS techniques to create starting points for your own designs. A JumpStart is also a perfect fit for the use of a ColdFusion custom tag. Heidi Bautista wrote an article about using JumpStarts with ASP.NET master pages — Convert an Existing Site to Use ASP.NET Master Pages and Themes. The ASP.NET master page is very similar in concept to the technique I presented in my series on CF, so this tutorial will cover the same ground for ColdFusion users, using the free North Pole JumpStart.

March 9, 2006Using JumpStarts with Cartweaver, Featuring Minneapolis

JumpStarts are great starting points for dynamic sites, and the Minneapolis JumpStart is a great starting point for a dynamic e-commerce site. Shopping carts like Cartweaver integrate well with Dreamweaver, but how do you integrate a third-party cart with a JumpStart? This tutorial, written by a member of the Cartweaver team and Community MX, shows one way of integrating the two.

February 28, 2006Creating a ColdFusion Custom Tag for US States

ColdFusion custom tags are exceptionally useful, as they allow you to put presentation functionality into a file, similar to an include, only more powerful. This article shows how a simple custom tag listing US states and Canadian provinces can be built and used.

December 22, 2005Creating a Simple Blog: Part 6

There have been five parts in the series on creating a simple blog. The first five parts focused on creating basic functionality to get a basic blog up and running using simple Dreamweaver design tools. This part will show how to incorporate the functionality into a more complex design — specifically, the latest CMX Jumpstart — Inverness. This tutorial will be equally applicable to ColdFusion, ASP, PHP, ASP.NET, or JSP because we will be using standard Dreamweaver server behaviors to create the blog. In the course of merging the dynamic blog into the design, you'll learn the following about merging content with design in general — how to find repeating items and make them dynamic, how to separate parts of an existing design into a module.

June 24, 2005Persistent Scoped CFCs

What are the advantages and disadvantages of putting CFC instances into Session or Application variables? There have been a lot of discussions about this, but my own personal view is that you can reduce the strain on system resources and memory, and build faster applications by storing CFC instances in persistent variables. This article talks about the concept.

June 16, 2005Using DTS Packages with ColdFusion: Part 2

Many people use SQL Server to store their data, however SQL Server is much more involved than simply a server that allows storage for data. Data Transformation Services (DTS) is part of SQL Server and allows you to import and export data, manipulate files on the system, use FTP, among other things. Using some of SQL Server's built-in DTS functionality along with ColdFusion gives your web application access to some of this functionality.

Part 1 of this series showed how to export data from SQL Server to a CSV file triggered by a ColdFusion page. This part will show how to upload a CSV file to the server and import it into a new table. It will show how to pass information (a filename) to a DTS package from a ColdFusion page and use it in the package.

May 25, 2005Using DTS Packages with ColdFusion

Many people use SQL Server to store their data, however SQL Server is much more involved than simply a server that allows storage for data. Data Transformation Services (DTS) is part of SQL Server and allows you to import and export data, manipulate files on the system, use FTP, among other things. Using some of SQL Server's built-in DTS functionality along with ColdFusion gives your web application access to some of this functionality.

April 26, 2005Creating a Simple Blog - Part 5

One of the frequent questions in the forums is "How do I create a blog?". There are many commercial blog systems out there, and many full-featured blog providers, like Blogger, but you can also create a simple blog using the standard tools of Dreamweaver. This tutorial will be equally applicable to ColdFusion, ASP, PHP, ASP.NET, or JSP because we will be using standard Dreamweaver server behaviors to create the blog. This fifth part of the series will describe how to add a design to the blog, including a sidebar with category, blogroll, and RSS modules.

March 15, 2005PHP Site Simplification with Application.php

PHP and ColdFusion have many things in common, but they also have many differences. One of the nice features of ColdFusion that I wish I had in PHP is the Application.cfm. In the Application.cfm file, you can include things that need to be on every page, such as variables that contain connection information, often-used functions, login functionality, class instantiation, session starting, and form field cleaning, among other things. In ColdFusion, the Application.php file is automatically executed before any code on your page. To mimic this functionality in PHP, I like to create an Application.php file that I include on all my PHP pages. This article will show how an Application.php file can be used to simplify some aspects of your PHP application.

March 1, 2005CMXMail: Creating a Generic Mail Class in PHP - Part 2

PHP has a lot of built-in functions, but for dealing with emails it is not the most friendly language, including only a generic mail() function. A way around these limitations is to use an email class to handle setting up the messages and sending them so that you don't have to create custom headers each time you use the mail() function.

Part 1 of this tutorial showed how to create a basic class. Part 2 will add to that class, and also show how to use the class in a loop, effectively creating a newsletter engine to send emails to a database.

The tutorial assumes you have set up databases and connections from PHP to MySQL.

February 15, 2005Do-It-Yourself Database Administration: 10 Biggest Mistakes

Web developers are frequently called upon to wear many hats. Mom-and-pop shops, small development companies, and small Internet service providers are frequently called upon to perform the task of database administrator.

This article will show ten of the biggest mistakes that inexperienced database administrators make. Database administrators make good money because the job is not an easy one and requires knowledge and experience. This article shows ten common mistakes when managing your own database.

January 31, 2005CMXMail: Creating a Generic Mail Class in PHP - Part 1

PHP has a lot of built-in functions, but for dealing with emails it is not the most friendly language, including only a generic mail() function. You have to create your own mail headers, set up separate text and HTML messages if you want to send multipart messages, and add your own attachment code. One way around this is to use an email class to handle setting up the messages and sending them so that you don't have to create custom headers each time you use the mail() function. Part 1 of this tutorial will show how to create a basic class that you can later add to.

January 19, 2005Access Level and Login For PHP

Dreamweaver has many tools to help simplify page creation. Beginning with Dreamweaver MX 2004, Dreamweaver contains Server Behaviors for password protecting PHP pages in your site. This tutorial will show how to password protect your pages using a username, password, and access level defined in a MySQL database.

December 21, 2004SQL Mail - Sending Email Using SQL Server

Many web applications use components or scripting to send mail. SQL Server has mail functionality built-in and can sometimes be the best solution. Many times you want an email to be automated as a task -- for example, sending a list of store orders once a day or a list of files that have been uploaded. Other times, you want an email to be sent when a specific thing occurs -- an order table is updated, or a document is printed. This article will show how SQL Mail can be set up and automated within SQL Server without involving your web application.

December 9, 2004Run Code at an Interval Using ColdFusion

Have you ever wanted to set up a section of code that will only execute once a day or once a week? You can use the <cfschedule> tag to run a ColdFusion template at scheduled intervals, but there is another method that in many ways is more flexible, because it works with a section of code on a page. The technique demonstrated in this article essentially runs a piece of code on your page at intervals.

November 24, 2004Previous and Next Links for Details Page Stored Procedure

If you have used Dreamweaver to create dynamic pages, you are probably familiar with the Repeat Region and the concept of Next/Previous records. You are probably familiar with the Master/Detail pageset concept -- the Master page contains a table listing your records with links that allow you to drill down into a Details page. The Details page gives you the details about a particular record. Unfortunately, the Details page does not allow you to create the Previous/Next links easily. This is often desirable in a site, such as in a photo album, real estate listing, or other type of list where the user might want to remain on a Detail page and simply cycle through the records rather than go back to the Master page again. This tutorial will show how to create a SQL stored procedure that will supply Previous/Next links to any ColdFusion or ASP page.

November 9, 2004Using Conditional Parameters in SQL Server

Most dynamic sites have a database search of some variety. Stored procedures are much more desirable in a web application for many reasons, yet when it comes to performing searches, the stored procedure is not as easily implemented. In a scripted web application, you can create dynamic SQL statements on the fly, putting conditional logic into your WHERE clauses and making the SQL statement fit the situtation. In a stored procedure, it's not so easy. This article will show one way to pass parameters conditionally to your SQL stored procedure. The technique applies to SQL Server, with code provided for ASP and ColdFusion.

This article assumes you know how to create stored procedures, work with the Query Analyzer, and set up your own DSNs.

October 26, 2004File Downloads for an E-Store

Online stores can sell goods and services, but one of the frequent uses of an online store is to sell goods that are downloadable, such as software, music, videos, and pictures. There are many ways to dynamically supply the files to your customers, but this article will show one way that is secure and also saves on bandwidth because it will use Zip files for the delivery.

September 29, 2004Indexing a Database Table

Indexes are one of the most important aspects of database design, yet one of the most underused in web applications. A database index can speed up a query by hundreds or thousands of times. Imagine, for example, if the phone book was not alphabetized and you had to find a name. It would takes hours or days to find a name. This is exactly the kind of inefficiency that a database with no index has to contend with. The article will show where to put indexes.

August 31, 2004Nested Repeat Regions in ColdFusion

If you've ever wanted to nest data -- such as titles under individual categories, or products under individual headings -- this article will show you how to do it with minimum fuss and muss using ColdFusion and the cfoutput tag.

August 20, 2004Using CSV Strings in SQL Server: Part 2

This article shows how to deal with a many-to-many relationship in SQL by using CSV strings to insert, update, and display data. This is useful for batch updates, multiple categories for products, and other situations where you have several items that need to be related to another item.

August 3, 2004Using CSV Strings in SQL

Using SQL Server stored procedures, you can parse and insert individual items from a comma-separated list in the form of a string. This has great benefit in that you can avoid complex server-side scripting of batch inserts. This is useful for multiple categories for one product, or any other type of one-to-many relationship in a database table.

July 9, 2004Simple Dynamic Recordset Sorting Using Stored Procedures

A stored procedure gives you many benefits when building applications, including web applications using ColdFusion, ASP, and other technologies. They are fast because they are precompiled and they are secure because the database tables are not being accessed directly. One thing that is a little tricky in working with stored procedures is building dynamic queries. You can build a SQL statement as a string within a stored procedure and execute it using the EXEC statement (or xp_executeSQL), but this also defeats one of the purposes of building your functionality into a stored procedure: the statement is not compiled when it is built dynamically. This article shows one way of creating dynamic SQL on the fly while still allowing the stored procedure to be precompiled.

June 24, 2004Better Error Messages for CF and Flash Remoting

There are many times while developing ColdFusion or (especially) Flash Remoting applications that the default log files and error messages supplied by ColdFusion and/or the NetConnection debugger don't give you enough information. For those situations, the technique shown in this article will show more than the typical amount of error info.

June 11, 2004Affiliate Tracking System For ColdFusion

ColdFusion users have an application.cfm file which makes building an application much easier in many respects. The reason is that this file can do a variety of different things because it is always the first file executed no matter what page was requested in your application. You can use this to your advantage in an affiliate tracking application, such as in an e-store. This article will show how to build it.

June 2, 2004Working with SQL Server Triggers

If you are building a web application, many of the common database scenarios can be managed more easily through the use of triggers. This can reduce the amount of web scripting you have to do in your application. A trigger is a stored procedure, but it is a special kind of stored procedure. You don?t call a trigger explicitly, like you do a regular stored procedure. A trigger is executed as a result of some other action within your database.

May 25, 2004Creating a Simple Blog, Part 4

One of the frequent questions in the forums is "How do I create a blog?". There are many commercial blog systems out there, and many full-featured blog providers, like Blogger, but you can also create a simple blog using the standard tools of Dreamweaver. This tutorial will be equally applicable to ColdFusion, ASP, PHP, ASP.NET, or JSP because we will be using standard Dreamweaver server behaviors to create the blog. This fourth part of the series will describe how to add categories to the blog by modifying the pages you've already created and also how to display the number of comments on each item.

May 18, 2004Better Debug Info for ColdFusion Development

ColdFusion does not have a lot of functionality to aid in debugging your applications. The built-in debug information that you can access through the ColdFusion administrator gives you some basic information, but if you are using complex objects, structures, or CFCs, you are left without a way to examine these constructs. The technique shown in this article can also be used in a production environment because it can be turned on through a URL variable, and is tied to the user's session.

May 13, 2004Creating a Simple Horizontal Looper in ASP.NET

There is no horizontal looper extension for Dreamweaver in ASP.NET, but there is no need for the extension because looping is built into the DataList Application object. This tutorial will show you how to create a simple Horizontal Looper using the DataList, including recordset navigation for the loop.

April 26, 2004Get that Code into the Database Where It Belongs

This article will show how you can take some complex scripting logic out of your web pages, and put it into the database. Why would you want to do this? There are several advantages: the code will usually execute faster, the page code will be easier to read and maintain, and there will be a clearer separation between business logic and presentation logic. The concepts in the article will apply equally to all types of server languages.

April 14, 2004Creating a Simple Blog, Part 3

One of the frequent questions in the forums is "How do I create a blog?". There are many commercial blog systems out there, and many full-featured blog providers, like Blogger, but you can also create a simple blog using the standard tools of Dreamweaver. This tutorial will be equally applicable to ColdFusion, ASP, PHP, ASP.NET, or JSP because we will be using standard Dreamweaver server behaviors to create the blog. Part 3 will focus on adding more features to the blog, such as an RSS feed, individual blog item pages, and how to automatically insert dates.

April 14, 2004Creating a Simple Blog Part 3

One of the frequent questions in the forums is "How do I create a blog?". There are many commercial blog systems out there, and many full-featured blog providers, like Blogger, but you can also create a simple blog using the standard tools of Dreamweaver. This tutorial will be equally applicable to ColdFusion, ASP, PHP, ASP.NET, or JSP because we will be using standard Dreamweaver server behaviors to create the blog. Part 3 will focus on adding more features to the blog, such as an RSS feed, individual blog item pages, and how to automatically insert dates.

March 30, 2004Creating a Simple Blog, Part 2

One of the frequent questions in the forums is "How do I create a blog?". There are many commercial blog systems out there, and many full-featured blog providers, like Blogger, but you can also create a simple blog using the standard tools of Dreamweaver. This tutorial will be equally applicable to ColdFusion, ASP, PHP, ASP.NET, or JSP because we will be using standard Dreamweaver server behaviors to create the blog. Part 1 of the tutorial can be found at Part 2 will focus on adding more features to the blog, such as a system for adding and viewing comments, and more administration options.

March 22, 2004Creating a Simple Blog, Part 1

Many people ask "how can I build my own blog?" This tutorial will show how to create a simple blog using point-and-click features of Dreamweaver. For that reason, this tutorial can be followed for any server model that Dreamweaver supports.

March 9, 2004Resending Undeliverable Mail in ColdFusion

ColdFusion is capable of high-output mail delivery. One problem with the ColdFusion server that is not addressed by any built-in functionality is what happens when an email cannot be delivered. This article will address one possible way to handle undeliverable messages. This method only works in instances where you control your own server, however, as the central spool folders for emails in ColdFusion are server-wide rather than site-wide.

February 20, 2004Searching Unrelated Database Tables

Most data-driven sites include a search option, where a user is able to search a database table or a related table for a specific value. An example of this is a site like, where you might want to search on a book subject, or a book author. Most likely, the author name is stored in a separate table. You can easily search on title, author, subject, or any of the above by writing a SQL statement that joins the related data. What if you want the user to be able to search multiple tables that do not relate, however? This article will address joining unrelated tables for a database search.

January 13, 2004Handling Email Blasts with ColdFusion: Part 2

In Part 1 of this series, we covered some general principles for handling an email blast from ColdFusion. In this part, I'll present some code that should make it very easy to set up a recurring mailing for a newsletter. Community MX uses a similar system for sending out the weekly newsletter.

January 9, 2004ADO Connections

Dreamweaver and ADO provide a number of ways to connect to a variety of databases. This article serves as a quick reference to the required format for a wide variety of connection schemes.

December 26, 2003Handling Email Blasts with ColdFusion: Part 1

ColdFusion has built-in functionality that makes it easy to create an email blast for a newsletter, order confirmation, or other type of dynamic email generation. The article describes the many aspects of dynamic emails, including admin mail settings, bounced emails, different types of data used in emails, looping within emails, and other things you'll need to know when sending a dynamic email.

November 19, 2003Combatting the Invalid Column Name SQL Error

Structured Query Language (SQL) is used to access a database, but is not always used to it's fullest potential. Also, frequently you come across an error in a statement that looks like it "should" work, but doesn't. One such error is the "Invalid Column Alias" error. This article shows a possible solution and workaround for the problem.

November 7, 2003Consuming the CMX Web Service with Flash - Part 2

It's easy to consume web services in Flash using Flash Remoting. Community MX publishes a web service that allows developers to search our content. Using the Community MX web service as an example, this tutorial shows how to pass arguments to the searchContent method and return results in Flash MX and Flash MX 2004.

October 29, 2003OOP Sacrilege

One of the first things a programmer learns is to reuse code. One of the first things an OOP programmer learns is to build objects that are encapsulated. Encapsulation is an easy principle to understand, and should be thought of as the Prime Directive when you are programming using OOP. . .Macromedia must have skipped that class. . . .(more)

September 30, 2003Consuming the CMX Web Service with Flash - Part 1

Flash Remoting is one of Macromedia's coolest technologies, offering a quick and easy way to connect to custom web services that you build, or to SOAP-based web services that are freely available. Community MX publishes a web service that can be consumed by a Flash Remoting application. This tutorial shows you how. Part 1 of the tutorial shows the getContent method of the web service.

September 26, 2003Flash Remoting in Flash MX 2004

Many people are wondering if Flash Remoting still supported in Flash MX 2004. The answer is ?Yes?, however I think the next few months will be a transition period. The latest Flash Remoting components from Macromedia still utilize ActionScript 1.0 code, but the good news is that everything still seems to work. In this article I'll try to answer a few of those questions that have appeared since the release of Flash MX 2004 and Flash Professional.

September 1, 2003Ten Tips for Building a Flash Remoting Application

Using ActionScript 1, these are the top tips culled from the book Flash Remoting: The Definitive Guide

September 1, 2003Flash Remoting and Flash MX 2004 Part 1

Artile about using Flash Remoting with the original release of Flash MX 2004 (ActionScript 1). Article is now outdated since AS2 is the norm. September 2003

August 5, 2003ColdFusion MX: The Red Sky Upgrade

ColdFusion MX has been out for over a year now, and has been becoming more and more reliable and stable with each updater. Updaters 1, 2, and 3 each addressed bugs and problems with CFMX. The latest update, the ColdFusion MX 6.1 updater (code named Red Sky) was released today and offers much more than simple bug fixes. The release can be considered a true upgrade. The best part of the upgrade is that it's free.

July 25, 2003Writing Readable SQL

SQL is the language of the database. Many developers have a tendency to allow the visual tool that comes with the database to automatically write the SQL statements for your application. Many web developers even use the rudimentary SQL building tools of Dreamweaver MX to create the SQL for a web page. These tools are not bad, but frequently the SQL becomes hard to read because it has not been formatted or optimized. Writing a readable SQL statement can be an art in itself. This article will show you a few techniques for creating readable SQL. This will help you read your own SQL statements to make sense out of them, and will allow others to read your SQL and understand it.

July 8, 2003Using a ColdFusion Custom Tag as a Site Template Part 3

ColdFusion custom tags allow you to build a flexible template for your site that will feed every page on the site. Part 1 of this series showed the basic concepts of the custom tag and how to use one as a site template. The tutorial addressed the setup and implementation of a custom tag, and showed how to supply a title to the document dynamically. Part 2 showed you how to add other features to this template, such as JavaScript, CSS, and meta tags. Part 3 will show how to incorporate a table layout or a div layout in setting up your template.

June 20, 2003Using a ColdFusion Custom Tag as a Site Template Part 1

ColdFusion developers have had Custom Tags in their arsenal of tricks since the early days of ColdFusion. With CFMX, the tag has made it even easier to use custom tags on your pages. With the introduction of ColdFusion Components (CFC) in CFMX, the custom tag has taken a back seat to the versitility of CFCs, but some things are ideally suited to the ColdFusion Custom Tag API. This article will address one use of a ColdFusion custom tag: building a flexible template for your site that will feed every page on the site.

May 23, 2003Flash Remoting 101

When you hear the term "Flash Remoting", you might be wondering what exactly is being referred to. Macromedia's latest push towards the Rich Internet Application has at its core the Flash Remoting technology. This article will give you a brief introduction and show you the necessary requirements to getting it up and running on your machine and your web server.

April 22, 2003Consuming the CMX Web Service with ColdFusion

Community MX publishes a web service that will display information about the latest content available from the site. This service can be used by anyone who knows how to consume a web service. The Community MX web service utilizes a standard .wsdl file that can be consumed by any technology that can consume a web service. The web service is located at The web service exposes 3 methods: getContent: grabs the latest content descriptions available from Community MX. searchContent: search the content at Community MX for relevant content getContentTypes: the latest content types are available as a list for your applications as well (articles, extensions, etc).

March 31, 2003Ordering Tricks in SQL

A database is like a book with no index--you store information in it, but unless you know how to get it out in a particular order, it's not going to be very useful. Ordering is one of the most often used aspects of SQL, yet one of the most under-used parts of SQL language at the same time. You can often do some really cool things through simple ordering of your data, and present the data in a different way.

September 4, 2002Switching from PHP to ColdFusion

Article about Dreamweaver from the Macromedia Devnet. If you are a PHP developer looking to learn Macromedia ColdFusion, you will find it is an easy transition. Although the two technologies are very different, a basic understanding of PHP will provide many of the skills required to make the change. The reasons for making such a change will be varied?it may be a project requirement, or you may want to increase your productivity. We'll address both topics in this article, as well as discuss some of the new features that make ColdFusion MX even more attractive for developers.

September 1, 2002Upgrading the Web

The user comes to your site. He enters something into a search field and presses submit. After hitting the submit button, the user waits for a response from the server. The user?s browser loads in the page and then the user is able to view the search results. If the results span over more than one page, there might be a link to the next set of results. If the user clicks the link, he sends the search back to the server, which conducts the search again and this time sends back the second page of results. Again, a new page is loaded into the browser. This is client/server communication at its most primitive, yet it is the accepted standard on the Web. If you are a Web programmer who works with ColdFusion, JSP, or ASP.NET and has said to himself ?Flash isn?t for me?, then this article is for you.

April 29, 20023 Reasons to Migrate from CF Studio to Dreamweaver MX

Article from the Macromedia Devnet about making the switch from the great coder's environment ColdFusion Studio to Dreamweaver MX.

April 29, 2002Dreamweaver MX: First Impressions

Review of Dreamweaver MX (Dreamweaver 6) from the day of release, showing some of the new features.

April 29, 2002The New Cold Fusion Server Model in Dreamweaver MX

Overview of new features in Dreamweaver MX for ColdFusion developers

April 29, 2002Speedup Hints for Dreamweaver MX

How to speed up certain aspects of Dreamweaver with preference items, settings, and other techniques

April 29, 2002Three Steps to Dynamic Searching Using the Dynamic Search Suite

Create a Master/Detail page set using the Master/Detail Pageset application object.

April 29, 2002Nested Repeat Regions Using ColdFusion

One of the frequent questions in the newsgroups is "How do I nest a repeat region?" ColdFusion users have an attribute in the <cfquery> tag that facilitates easy nested regions: GROUP.

April 29, 2002The DW Team Context Help Extension

This extension will pick up any VBScript, JScript, ColdFusion, PHP, or HTML keyword that your cursor is on and find the appropriate online document at MSDN, Macromedia livedocs, or

April 29, 2002Consuming Web Services in ColdFusion MX

Web Services is a fairly new technology that has taken the Web by storm. Basically, a Web service is a component that is created to communicate using standard XML formats to any application that knows how to talk to it.

February 1, 2002ColdFusion UltraDev Studio Review

This review was featured in the February 2002 issue of ColdFusion Developer's Journal.

July 29, 2001Using Dreamweaver UltraDev for ColdFusion Development

A whitepaper on the Macromedia site that shows how UltraDev can be used for ColdFusion development.

July 11, 2001Switching from ASP to ColdFusion

Article about Dreamweaver from the MM Devnet

January 1, 2001JDBC Connections for UltraDev 1

This article shows how to add new JDBC connections to UltraDev 1.

January 1, 2001JDBC Connections for UltraDev 4

This article shows how to add new JDBC connections to UltraDev 4.

January 1, 2001Mac Connections for UltraDev 1

This article explains the use of the RmiJdbc driver using UltraDev 1 with Windows NT, Windows 98, and Windows 2000.

January 1, 2001Tom's Recommendations

List of books that will enhance your UltraDev experience.

January 1, 2001Tricks with Form Fields in UltraDev

Shows how to name your form fields with the same name and what happens when you do.

January 1, 2001Repeat Region with a List

Shows how to do a repeat region with an unordered or ordered list with live database content.

January 1, 2001Adding UltraDev to the Homesite, JRun Studio, or CFStudio Toolbar

Shows how to add UltraDev to the toolbar so that you can open the current page from within the program.

January 1, 2001Using the Download Repeat Region Server Behavior

Using this server behavior in ASP, CF, or PHP you can download a recordset directly to a CSV or text file.

January 1, 2001File Uploading with the CFFILE Tag Using the CFFILE Extension

This article shows how to do a file upload in ColdFusion using the Basic-UltraDev CFFILE Server Behavior.

January 1, 2001Using the CFDIRECTORY Server Behavior to Build a Download Page

This article shows how to easily build a download page using ColdFusion, the CFDIRECTORY Server Behavior, and some basic UltraDev techniques of applying repeat regions and navigation.

January 1, 2001Using the ASP Server Side Validation Server Behavior

This article shows how to use the Basic-UltraDev Server Side Validation extension.

January 1, 2001Using the Insert-Retrieve ID Extension from the UltraSuite

Shows how to use the Insert-Retrieve ID extension for Microsoft Access

January 1, 2001The Basic-UltraDev User Login SB

Before UD 4 came out, we had a User Login and User Access Server Behavior available for UD1. This works for both versions. Instructions on using it are here.

January 1, 2001Help for Navigation Links Extension

Part of the Recordset Navigation Behaviors is Navigation Links, which will give you a list of links like First | Previous | Next | Last.

January 1, 2001Using the BUD Nested Repeat Extension

This extension was built in our book Dreamweaver UltraDev 4: The Complete Reference. This article shows how to use it.

January 1, 2001Using Pages List and Links List

This article describes how to use the Pages List and Links List extensions that are part of the Recordset Navigation Suite.

January 1, 2001Using QuickLink

This simple extension is a great timesaver for adding a link to a page. Instructions here.

January 1, 2001Using the New Recordset Navigation Suite

Describes the new (3.0) version of the Recordset Navigation Suite with help files for each of the extensions in the suite.

January 1, 2001Adding Dynamic Anchors

This tutorial shows how to build a dynamic nested region with dynamic named anchors and links to those anchors. Uses 3 Basic-UltraDev server behaviors.

January 1, 2001Is the Client Connected?

Describes the use of the IsClientConnected extension for ASP.

January 1, 2001Simulated Nested Repeat Region

Building a nested repeat region using the Simulated Nested Repeat extension

January 1, 2001DSNLess Connections in ColdFusion 5

ColdFusion 5.0 has a new feature allowing DSNLess connection strings to allow the CF programmer to connect to a database without having to define a connection in the CF Administrator

January 1, 2001Dynamic Shipping

Chapter 24 in Dreamweaver Ultradev 4: The Complete Reference showed how to build a simple e-store. This tutorial adds dynamic shipping to the site.

January 1, 2001ADO Connections

Dreamweaver and ADO provide a number of ways to connect to a variety of databases. This article serves as a quick reference to the required format for a wide variety of connection schemes.

January 1, 2001Server-Side Form Validation on

Expands on Chapters 18 and 19 of Dreamweaver Ultradev 4: The Complete Reference showing how to apply server-side validation to the Bettergig site.

January 1, 2001Adding a Remember Me Server Behavior to the Bettergig Site

Adds to the functionality of the site by adding "remember me" functionality using a Basic-UltraDev server behavior.

January 1, 2001Using the Basic-UltraDev SBControls

Controls for the UltraDev Server Behavior Builder, and how to use them.

January 1, 2001Making the Most of the Server Behavior Builder Part 1

This article continues where chapter 22 of Dreamweaver Ultradev 4: The Complete Reference leaves off. You should be comfortable with the building of Server Behaviors prior to reading this.

January 1, 2001The Translated Source Viewer

This extension is for extension developers -- it shows up the hidden MM tags on a page and displays them in a floater.

January 1, 2001Creating a ColdFusion Application with the CFAPPLICATION Tag

This article explains the CFAPPLICATION tag and how to use the Basic-UltraDev Server Behavior extension for adding a CFAPPLICATION tag to an Application.cfm file.

January 1, 2001Building ColdFusion Server Behaviors in UltraDev

This article (in PDF format) introduces UltraDev and the Server Behavior builder to the ColdFusion developer by building a server behavior that sends a multipart HTML/Text email using CFMAIL.

Find and Replace in Dreamweaver

Located in the print and pdf issue of MX insite#1

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