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Cartweaver 3 released

Wednesday, April 25, 2007 7:43:51 PM

After many months of late nights and long weekends, Cartweaver 3 is finally here, released in the wee hours of last night/this morning. I was lead programmer on the PHP version of Cartweaver 2 and maintained those responsibilites for Cartweaver 3 as well. In addition, fairly late in the process I took over the ColdFusion version for CW3. The latest version of CW has a few of the most requested features, including discounts and a greatly expanded tax system, which handles VAT and other types of tax. Also, scripts are available to allow you to update a Cartweaver 2 database to Cartweaver 3. It has built-in horizontal looping, and a new configuration system designed by Dan Short that makes it easy to maintain configuration settings from the Admin, and also easy for the programmer to add new settings.

There are many companies out there with shopping cart software, and some have come and gone. I'm sure many of them are great products, too. One thing about me that you might know if you've purchased extensions from this site is that I try to stand behind my code. I came to Cartweaver after version 2 had already been out, and translated the complete existing cart to PHP. I have complete ownership of the PHP code for Cartweaver, having translated or written every line of code in the product, and complete ownership of support for that product. For me, a product is like a child. You might send them off when they grow up, but you are always there for them. Now I have ownership of the CF code as well. Although I didn't write most of it, I am imtimately familiar with it. It's another of my children. Some of the larger companies that sell cart software stand behind their products, but you never really know who wrote what, or who to contact regarding problems. To me, writing code for a large project like this is like writing a novel or giving birth. This one was a douzy. I probably should have gotten the epidural.

See Cartweaver 3 in action at Existing CW 2 customers get the current upgrade price of $100. If you purchased within the last 60 days, the upgrade is free. To get your free upgrade, go to the Cartweaver site and add the product to your cart. After you login, the purchase price will be reduced to $0.00 so that you can add the product to your purchases and download it. Address any purchase questions to the support site at

To purchase, go to

In the coming weeks and months I hope to have some articles and add-ons for Cartweaver 3.

Category tags: Macromedia/Adobe, Dreamweaver, ColdFusion, Cartweaver

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