Tom Muck

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Remember Me

Remember Me (ASP/VB)

Originally available from, updated for Dreamweaver MX, MX 2004, and DW 8. The extension assumes you have username and password fields on a page, along with a checkbox to "remember me." If the user checks the box, the username/password are stored in a cookie on the user's machine. When the user returns to the page, the boxes are automatically filled in.

This extension works in ASP/VBScript only.

After downloading and installing the behavior, you can add the Remember Me functionality easily. Here are the steps:

  1. Open your login page. On this page you'll need a textfield for Username and a textfield for password. Make sure the password field is set up properly as a password-type text field. You can do this in the property inspector by clicking the "Password" radio button. Also, you will need a checkbox for the "Remember Me" function.

  2. Go to the Server Behaviors menu and click >> Remember Me. This will bring up the following dialog box:

  3. On this particular page, the username, password, and checkbox field will all automatically pop up in the dialog box. Simply fill in the rest of the information:
  • Username Cookie: name for the username cookie. Can be any valid variable name.
  • Password Cookie: name for the password cookie Can be any valid variable name.
  • Remember Me Cookie: name for the Remember Me cookie (checked or unchecked). This can be any valid variable name as well.
  • Expires in Days: Length of time in days that the cookie will remain active.
  1. Simply click OK and you are done. The code is inserted at the top of the page to allow the setting of the cookie information after the submit button is clicked. Also, each form field has some server-side code attached to it that allows the display of the cookie information in the field. In addition, the cookie variables are added to the Bindings tab for the page, making it easier to use them for other things (filtering recordsets, displaying, etc).

This extension works in ASP/VBScript only.

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