Tom Muck's Blog: Write to Macromedia about Dreamweaver bugs
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Write to Macromedia about Dreamweaver bugs
Friday, June 10, 2005 3:58:45 PM
Massimo posted a comment in one of my entries suggesting that users write to Macromedia about bugs in Dreamweaver, particularly the famous Macintosh/menu limitation. That address should be made more visible, so I'm posting a new entry about it. The Macromedia form is located at and is a direct line to Macromedia developers.
The blog entries where I mention bad problems with Dreamweaver are here (mac menus), here (extension virus), and an old one on the help system here (help system). Macromedia, unlike Microsoft, has a bad habit of fixing problems in new versions of programs but leaving the old programs bug-laden. For users of DW MX and DW MX 2004, the Mac menu problem is huge. Also, for users of extensions, the problem with overwriting system files is major, considering the Exchange still hosts these extensions with no warning whatsoever that the file can corrupt your Dreamweaver.
Apparently some of my whining has paid off, as Alexandru from Interakt commented on a previous blog entry that Interakt is working on a patch to remove the corrupted system files left over by their extensions. It's a start, guys, but I won't be happy until ALL system file corruption is eliminated from extensions.
Category tags: Macromedia/Adobe, Dreamweaver, ColdFusion
Posted by Tom Muck
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